This three form entry primary school, located in Hounslow, was originally built in 2015 and replaced end of life buildings. Unfortunately, in 2020, the school suffered a major flood, damaging an entire block of the school. The flood has originated from the plant room, which serviced the entire building and was caused by a pipe joint failure.
MNE were asked to come in and undertake a survey for the loss adjusters and provide evidence to support the insurance claim. This entailed a detailed report that provided information on which services could be retained and which required replacement to deliver continued compliance.
MNE then completed the redesign for the new replacement MEP systems and supervised the installation works. Design enhancements were made to the original systems, including a leak detection system and upgrade of the HVAC controls to enhance performance. There were several challenges on this scheme, including the integration of new services onto existing plant, dealing with some unknown latent defects and designing an effective scheme within a fixed loss-adjustor led budget. The repair works were completed in time for the new academic year September 2021.
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